Monday, March 10, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Natural Healing

5.05: Net Surf

... pick up your basket of pesticide-free treats - sun-dried tomatoes, sweet ... (, purveyors of organic essential oils, from lavender to palmarosa ...

Make it: Lavender and Rosemary Soap (Lansing State Journal)

Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:30:28 GMT
Use a square muffin tin as a mold or invest in soap molds (available at craft stores) to create these rich and aromatic soaps. Don't forget to make extra as gifts. • Dried Rosemary leaves • 2 cups distilled water • 1 1/2 teaspoons of lavender oil • 1 1/2 teaspoons of rosemary oil • 3 cups clear or white glycerin soap base* • Soap molds (muffin tins, special soap mold, etc.) • 1/4 cup infusion of ...

A taste of the sublime

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 23:58:00 GMT
Guardian Unlimited - ... our carriage served with a spread that included mozzarella salad and honey and lavender cake ... and langoustine parcels and pig cheek with apricot marmalade, pistachio and dried apricot

Good scents: Nothing brings warmth to one's home like an enchanting ...

Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:45:00 GMT
News-Press - ... Evelyn offers lavender linen mist sprays for $15, and scented drawer liners in Nantucket, Summerhill, rose water and lavender scents for $8 each. Even simpler is placing dried ...

Natural HealingHealth Fascism in the 21st Century

Health Fascism in the 21st Century

By: Shane Ellison
All Rights Reserved 2002

"Unless we put medical freedom in the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship...The constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical freedom as well as religious freedom."

-Benjamin Rush M.D signer of the Declaration of Independence

Health Freedom is a status that everyone should strive for yet millions of Americans continue to die from cancer, obesity and FDA approved drugs. What is worth more, a healthy lifestyle or a rich lifestyle? I choose health. Let's take a closer look at the situation.

The FDA has estimated that Americans spend in excess of $12 billion annually on 25,000-30,000 various dietary supplements. To satisfy this lucrative market, tens of thousands of retailers have begun to market nutritional substances. Unfortunately, FDA regulations, namely the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), prohibit manufacturers in the supplement industry to market or claim that their products "cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent" a given disease or illness; instead they can only make general statements about their product. As a result, nutritional supplements are marketed without scientific research and carry labels that are intentionally vague and misleading to consumers. Therefore, individuals are left to depend on clerks in health food stores, personal trainers, and company sales reps to give them advise regarding the benefits and dangers of nutritional supplements. This biased and often incorrect information causes confusion and wasted money among consumers. Worse, the majority of Americans are oblivious to time-tested, non-toxic and inexpensive alternatives for longevity, human performance, and preventative terminal illnesses.

Science and centuries of knowledge tells us that everyone has the potential to live successfully by maximizing his or her health and longevity through the proper use and knowledge of natural supplements. However this is impossible with incomplete and inaccurate information. Clearly, without a firm understanding of supplements and drugs it will become exceedingly difficult for many individuals to achieve optimal health in the 21st century.

Not knowing where to turn for advice many individuals will look toward westernized medicine in the form of FDA approved drugs. The history of FDA approved drugs clearly tells us that this can be a deadly alternative. According to JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association), the fourth leading cause of death today in the USA is from reactions to FDA approved drugs. That is one individual dying every five minutes from "approved" drugs! Further, USA Today reported that the fourth leading cause of hospital admissions is from adverse reactions to FDA approved drugs. It stated that 22 million Americans are so severely injured that they are either permanently disabled or required long hospital stays. Hence, few individuals understand the magnitude marketing campaign that has been launched against them by the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA!

In order to overcome these obstacles, consumers must become educated on the facts and understand the implications of both nutritional supplements and FDA approved drugs. This will allow for a free market based on knowledge where non-toxic therapies can compete freely with the toxic therapies that ultimately hinder basic human development.

Optimal health results from a balance of science and nature. Unfortunately, "cookie-cutter doctors" have abandoned both and reached for profits. Consequently, most people have become victims of health fascism rather than health freedom.

Shane is a medicinal chemist who founded Health-FX Nutraceuticals to raise the health awareness regarding the use of natural supplements for optimal health. Health-FX provides cutting edge information and supplements at wholesale prices! If you liked this article, you'll love the web site. Visit to get the facts about FDA approved drugs and nutraceuticals



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